Tarot and rebirth

"When's the best time to come for a Tarot reading?"

The simple answer is: whenever you feel you're ready to take a closer look at where you've been, where you're at, where you could be going and how to get there. You're in transition--a time of excitement but, possibly, ambivalence, imbalance, confusion and overwhelm.

Pulling up stakes to move to a new city, losing one's job of many years, the decline or death of a loved one--clearly, all of these situations are transitions that bring profound challenge and stress. Yet one of the most interesting transitions is the common, seemingly benign one we face every year when our birthday comes around.

For many years, I have experienced and heard reports of a phenomenon that often occurs in the days leading up to birthdays. The energy at these times can be irritating, even unsettling. Sensitivities, moods, actions and reactions can intensify. After all, on a subconscious level, our bodyminds revisit the birth experience, and even the ultimately gentlest entry into this world means a rude eviction from what, for most of us, was a warm, protective, continuously nourishing environment.

It's a good thing when birthday cards start arriving early to cheer us up!

Schedule a psychic Tarot consultation sometime in the period leading up to your birthday. You'll find insights and support to help you move through this transitional time with greater clarity, focus, strength and hope.

Or give a gift of a session to someone you care about. Your gift will be remembered and treasured for a lifetime. Guaranteed!

For more information, visit my main site.

(c)2009, Eva Yaa Asantewaa